
Daily wisdom #2

Be joyful in hope,
patient in affliction,
faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12


Anonymous said...

This is all good til the day it becomes too much.. when hope is stolen the joy dies... when the affliction goes on and on the patience dries up... and unanswered prayers can test the most faithful...

and death, whether it be internal or total, becomes your companion...

Anonymous said...

Be patient.

Mrs. RF said...


lis said...

Oh thou Rachel of great word and literary genius, I salute you, O masterful one. From whence came this most wondrous of posts? From hope, affliction, or prayer? Mine heart, yea, mine very own heart hath fixed upon this the former, that hope that is joyful indeed. Yea, methinks it is lovely indeed. Mine pleasure waxeth great upon the ponderance thereof.

lis said...

Hey Laughter, somebody stole my name! (to make the above comment) Can you guess who it is?

Laughter said...
