Bend, grasp, yank, toss. Bend, grasp, yank, toss. WHOMPH. Charlie's breath was knocked askew as he made unprepared contact with the Warden's bulbous knee. "Whadd'ya doing, boy?" the Warden challenged, his high-piched voice cracking with effort in an attempt to sound tough. Excuuuse knee, thought Charlie. Glaring, the Warden grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and dragged him towards The Cage. "Get your tail away from those flowers. You know you ain't supposed to be foolin' with 'em!" Charlie rolled his eyes in an attempt to look pathetic, maybe gain a little sympathy from the pseudo tough guy. But, no such luck. Off to The Cage it is again. Again. One would think the Warden didn't like him, or something.
Charlie sighed as the door crashed shut with finality. Depressed, he turned, walked to the corner and sat, leaning back against the wall. Was he ever going to get out of this place? It was either in The Cage, out side in a tiny yard, or, worst of all, in a small room where they poked and prodded, brandishing long shiny needles. He still couldn't understand why his family had left him here. Feeling sorry for himself, he lay down and idly studied The Cage's door. Soon, sheer boredom set in and he fell asleep, trapped by its warm, smothering arms.
Hours ticked away and still he slept. Just as he'd started to drift back into consciousness, loud voices jerked him totally awake. A rumbly deep male voice asked, "How is he doing?" "Oh, much better," shrilled the Warden. Then, a small child's voice joined in with an excited, "Can he come home now?!" "Please! Take him away... I mean, yes, he's ready, heh..." The Warden quickly corrected himself, but muttered under his breath "...and good riddance."
Friendly faces came around the corner; the Warden pulled out his key with a great show, and with much rattling and banging unlocked The Cage door. Charlie ran through the open portal and into the waiting arms of his family. He was going home! He was free! He was so happy and excited that he couldn't help but run in circles, tongue out, tail wagging and barking gleefully.
Day-old Delaware Chickens
9 years ago