

There is a melody I long to hear,
the song of peace.
I wish for it to shine from my eyes,
to flow from my lips,
to envelope me within its living folds.
So, when my being cries out for peace,
peace meets me,
and together we laugh with joy
and with tears
as we dance in the rain.


Anonymous said...

This isn't a riddle is it? Are we suppose to figure out what song it is? or something like that?

Laughter said...

nope... sorry. no new riddles yet. :)

lis said...

I like. :O)

Anonymous said...

Well, it's a good poem. It really paints a picture.

Anonymous said...

dancing in the rain is always awesome! Well, as long as it's not really cold.. I will continue to pray for you to have peace Rach. :)