In the mines of Moria, Gandalf and Frodo speak together while they rest from their travels.
Frodo, his countinence weary and troubled, sighed. "I wish the Ring had never come to me... I wish none of this had ever happened." "So do all who live in such times", Gandalf replied, "but it is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you were also meant to have it." Gandalf smiled. "And that is an encouraging thought."
Day-old Delaware Chickens
9 years ago
On may think ~ God sees, He knows and has purpose that transcends our own. Pondering such we have but a life time, probably more.
Ok, who is this guy? I've seen him around, and now I'm curious.
As for your post, I believe in God's Will, but I don't believe in Fate. I violently reject that idea...
I like this part...there's a number of allagories to our spiritual lives in these movies, that are moving...!
Thanks for this little segment from the movie:)Good thought!
We were meant to be here now and to know what we know at this time...
"For such a time as this."
I agree Ryu. :)
As for the Blue Knight, I'm not sure either, though I'd not mind knowing.
Ok, it's a nice reminder, and I appreciate it, but every purist hackle I have just stood on end. This scene happened in Bag End, not Moria, no matter what PJ says!!!
Don't mind me... *Deep breath* I love the movies, it's just that some of my worst fears came true too...
Ryu: what exactly do you mean by Fate that is so different from the will of God? Gandalf was talking about the will of God (Eru) in this passage -- not Fate in an impersonal sense, but the fully sovereign and irresistible will of a very personal and loving God nonetheless.
Mo, I stand corrected. :)
Zac-I am talking about Fate as an impersonal force. If you were to describe God's Will as Fate, I could go along, somewhat...
Ryusoma. We share common ground. I have no idea who you are. From your blog sight I might guess you are a Yankee. I suppose you could not help that.
I am a wanderer.
hehe... :)
Laughter-do you know who blueknight is? his times make more sense from a Cali zone, but who knows, maybe he just stays up late everywhere.
Blueknight-You have made me extremely curious. Most "knight"s don't use the appelation "blue" unless they're sad, and you don't seem that. Make a blog :)
...and comment on mine...
lol... Ryu, I really do not know who the Blue is, though I am intrigued as are you...
And Blue, I agree with Ryu, make a blog. :)
Hmm, Ryu, I've been doing a lil sleuthing, and I'm starting to wonderrr if I maaaybe know who BK maaaay beee.
*shrugs* Or not.
Ryusoma? (head to one side) I wrote something but then erased it. Does everyone (except me)know each other?
I wish you well. I will look at your sight.
I am a wanderer. I know that my home is not here (This terrestrial sphere.)
Blog sight? Perhaps.
Blue, yes, well, a lot of "everyone" here know each other.
Here's a question. Do I know you?
"Ryusoma?" what? as in, what does my name mean? or you were alluding to the blue part[as in, you have a sob story but were man enough NOT to blab it :)], or something else :)
I'm gonna hound you, hahahaha...
Both of you are funny.
Laughter, you are Rachel, a girl, young though I do not know how old and live in Georgia. I don't think you can really know someone so quickly. I've only been to your sight the past week or two.
Ryusoma, you are a guy and you live in New Hamshire. I don't know how old you are though looking through various sites in this group I am guessing your initials are DJ (I might be wrong), or perhaps that is your profession :)
My hair is brown.
I believe that the more I get to know my Heavenly Father the more life makes sense.
Ohh, an investagative sleuthe worthy of Batman himself :)
and I myself had already figured out your hair was brown. from the way you type. only brown haired people type that way. for more details, talk to sherlock holmes, lol :)
anyway, since you don't actually know me[as in, you are not some one I do know hiding behind a name], welcome and all that jazz. which is wicked weird, considering that this isn't even my site, eh? hahahahaa.
and i wish i was a dj. it would be much warmer :)
I do not believe in fate either. I believe God know's what's going to happen in the future, and makes choices based upon our actions, and always has a back up plan. He can see into the future and plan ahead. God did not create us as puppets. fate is the idea that the outcome of all events is fixed forever, and it is not. It is simply that God already knows the outcome of all events and prepares or reacts accordingly. When foreknoledge is applied to predestination it is becomes very different indeed, something calvinists are too smart too understand. Gotta love Lord of the rings.
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