I found my soul mate. He's been sitting on the couch next to me for the past while... shaking. And when the thunder rolls (there's a large storm outside in case you wondered) he vocalizes loudly and hides his head next to me. Poor guy. Thing is, he vibrates even when there is no storm (hence the soul mate title). Just a high strung type of pupcoughguycough I guess. Take earlier today. A guy came to fix the couch and when he came in the door my soul mate went tearing wildly around the room. Around and around... a bit like a rabbit on speed. I wonder if people would think I was just as cute if I did that too. Yes? Maybe? Or no...? Guess not. *sigh*
Has anyone ever wondered why moonlight looks so much more beautiful than electric lighting on the surface of water? Electric slides across the water like a golden pillar, while moonlight... ah. Moonlight skips over the tips of the ripples causing diamonds to dance from the shore to the hull of your boat as you drift along in the hush of the evening. I say it has something to do with the difference between the Creator's work and the created's work.
Derrick, I had the TV on for part of writing this and it made it WAY harder to get anything put down. Way way way... in fact, this line here has taken about 10 minutes to write. (Don't ask me why I didn't get up and leave the room, please.)
Day-old Delaware Chickens
9 years ago
TV, you just haven't developed enough immunity to it yet. It's taken my years, but even as I type now, there is some cop show going on in the background. And I'm facing the tv sideways, and not a problem. I recommend just watching tv for long periods of time, then you will get numb to it...
Ugh, no thanks. I prefer to be totally without immunity when it comes to TV... in your context anyway. A quiet mind is to be treasured... and a quiet room. This is what floats my boat in any case. :)
Thank you, Sonic. (:
well, i don't see where anyone blew your cover. but since you know my email address you could always write me a quick email so i could find out the normal things that are going on in your life.
A Wise Man Once Said
"Quietness is a state of Mind, young grasshopper, not a state of being"
*bows deeply*
True, but being human we are affected by our surroundings to one level or another. So, our state of being can change our state of mind on certain occations.
*bows back*
See, that is where you simply need to control your mind better :) Mind over matter.
Then you can do all sorts of cool things. Like fly, pick up trucks, and eat dirt[and not die]...
You on speed. Adorable, probably not; hilarious, quite likely; exhausting, without a doubt.
Do her parents and sibs know she is on speed? Good eye in catching the symptoms Bro! Now intervention can happen and the addiction cut in the bud. You probably saved her life! You should thank him R, even if you don't appreciate re-hab at first...
You are so weird, Derrick.
Who says I can't fly, muscle trucks high over my head and eat dirt and not die? Hmm?
As for control over my mind... you have no idea how much I DO control it... 'cause if I didn't I'd be scary beyond all reason.
*maniacal smirk*
Anyone who tries to rehab me will need rehab themselves.
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